
$ autotrash -max-free 1024 -d 30. Similarly, you can use autotrash to make sure there is a minimum of M megabytes of free space. Example: $ autotrash -min-free 1024. You can even combine the two command to make sure that autotrash starts reading the trash if there is less than 2 GB of free space, and then keep a check on. Create beautiful welcome images for people that join your server to greet them! To make these images appear, simply add!welcome! To the topic of the channel, as shown in the provided image.

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Autotrash is a simple Python script which will purge files from your trash based on their age or the amount of free space left on the device. Using autotrash -d 30 will delete files which have been in the trash for more then 30 days. It uses the Trash Info files included in the new GNOME system to find the correct files and the dates they where deleted.
It scans the ~/.local/share/Trash/info directory and reads the .trashinfo files to determine their deletion date. Files older then 30 days are then removed including their trash information file.


* Remove files that are older then a given number of days (see the -d option)
* Purge older files to ensure a specific amount of disk space is free (see the --min-free option)
* Check for remaining disk space, and only delete if you are running out (see the --max-free option)
* Delete regex matching files first (see --delete-frist option)

Install autotrash in ubuntu 10.04/9.10

Open the terminal and run the following commands

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bneijt/ppa

sudo apt-get update

Windows vista run option. sudo apt-get install autotrash

Using autotrash

It should be considered to be run as a crontab:

@daily /usr/bin/autotrash -d 30

Or more frequently, but to keep disk IO down, only when there is less then 3GB of free space:

@hourly /usr/bin/autotrash --max-free 3072 -d 30

To configure this, run 'crontab -e' and add one of these lines in the editor, then save and close the file.

If you do not know how to work with crontab, you could add it to the startup

programs in GNOME using the menu: System -> Preferences -> Sessions

Add the program with the '+ Add' button.

This will make sure that your trash is cleaned up every time you log in.
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Script to automatically purge old trash

Project description

Autotrash is a small python script to automatically remove(permanently delete) trashed files. It relies on the FreeDesktop.orgTrash files for it's deletion information.

It scans the ~/.local/share/Trash/info directory and reads the .trashinfofiles to determine their deletion date. Files older then 30 days or filesmatching a particular regular expression are then purged, including theirtrash information file.

On Fedora consider using yum install autotrash

On Ubuntu and Debian try to install it using apt-get install autotrash.

ArchLinux has an AUR package available.

Last option is to install autotrash using pip, for example, using: pip install --user autotrash

Automatic Setup

run autotrash --install to create a systemd service which runs daily with the provided arguments. For example

will run /usr/bin/autotrash -d 30 daily.

The service can be manually started with systemctl --user start autotrash.The timer can be enabled and disabled using systemctl --user enable autotrash.timer andsystemctl --user disable autotrash.timer respectively.

The service is installed to ~/.config/systemd/user so like the cron approach, root access is not required and multiple users have their own independent services.

Manual Cron Setup

To run autotrash daily using cron, add the following crontab entry:

You can also make autotrash process all user trash directories (not just in your home directory) by adding this crontab entry:

Or more frequently, but to keep disk IO down, only when there is less then 3GB of free space:

To configure this, run 'crontab -e' and add one of these lines in theeditor, then save and close the file.

System Startup Setup

If you do not know how to work with crontab, you could add it to the startupprograms in GNOME using the menu: System -> Preferences -> Sessions

Add the program with the '+ Add' button.

This will make sure that your trash is cleaned up every time you log in. Download actual booster torrent.


Autotrash is now in the stable repo for Fedora 20 and is going to be synced out on the mirrors also for Fedora 21.Epel7 package is still in the testing repo but should go stable within few days.

You can install the package on Fedora right now with:

The autotrash command is created as a script, using poetry you can run the current implementation using:

Or by using the shell:

All pull requests and master builds are tested using github actions and require black formatting.

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Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Auto Trash Containers For Cars

Files for autotrash, version 0.4.2
Filename, sizeFile typePython versionUpload dateHashes
Filename, size autotrash-0.4.2-py3-none-any.whl (22.1 kB) File type Wheel Python version py3 Upload dateHashes
Filename, size autotrash-0.4.2.tar.gz (10.4 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload dateHashes

Auto Trash Bag

Hashes for autotrash-0.4.2-py3-none-any.whl

Hashes for autotrash-0.4.2-py3-none-any.whl
AlgorithmHash digest

Auto Trash Gmail


Hashes for autotrash-0.4.2.tar.gz

Auto Trash Bags

Hashes for autotrash-0.4.2.tar.gz
AlgorithmHash digest