Creating Flow With Omnifocus


Creating Flow With Omnifocus Review

Creating flow with omnifocus pdfCreating Flow With Omnifocus

Creating Flow With Omnifocus Third Edition

Hi Everyone,
For the last 9 or 10 months, I've been working on a book presently titled, Creating Flow with OmniFocus. It is designed to take a user from the basics of OmniFocus through an advanced usage that incorporates horizons of focus, best practices, using templates, among other ideas. It uses how the mind thinks about projects and tasks towards building a working system.
I would like to give out 4 copies for the purpose of receiving feedback, comments, and criticisms. ... (all copies given out.)
The book is not ready for public release, but it does have a solid structure at this point. Publishing, format, pricing, etc are still all up in the air.
- Kourosh
I've given out all the copies. Thanks to everyone who's offered!
I'll keep everyone updated as to how the book is progressing.
- Kourosh
Last edited by Kourosh; 2010-09-08 at 08:55 AM..

Creating Flow With Omnifocus

The second book, is Creating Flow with OmniFocus (Second Edition), by Kourosh Dini. I used to consider myself reasonably adept when it came to using OmniFocus, a feature-rich to do list and action management application for OS X and iOS, however that opinion was blown out of the water within a few hours of reading this book. Working With OmniFocus. This article focuses on Omnifocus 2 for Mac. I use the iPhone and iPad versions as well, but here I want to walk you through the setup of my central hub. There are two main sides of Omnifocus: Projects and Contexts. Every action item is part of one project and is assigned one context. Creating Flow with OmniFocusis organized to bring the reader from being able to create small lists, to larger projects, all the way up to organizing and running major life goals and projects. The beginning involves the more basic components of the program while the latter half describes organizing larger systems.