Mac Store Remote Desktop

Remote desktop for mac 10

Next look for Microsoft Remote Desktop in the App Store to download the new application on your Mac running OS X Yosemite or higher. Once installed you can skip the first run experience. In the menu click connections and choose the option to import connections from the other app. The Mac desktop. Reinstall apps from the Mac App Store. If you don’t know the user name and IP address for your Mac, open the Remote Login pane of.

Microsoft this week updated its Remote Desktop client for macOS, which allows users to access their computer through another device remotely. The latest update brought native support for the M1 chip, as well as some new features.


Mac App Store Remote Desktop

With native support for the Apple Silicon platform and the M1 chip, the app runs with better performance and more energy efficiency, which means that it should consume less battery power when running on a MacBook.


In addition, version 10.6 of Microsoft Remote Desktop for macOS also adds support for client-side IME when using Unicode keyboard mode, integrated Kerberos support in the CredSSP, and improved compatibility with macOS Big Sur. You can check out all the changes in the release notes below:

In this release we’ve made some significant updates to the shared underlying code that powers the Remote Desktop experience across all our clients. We’ve also added some new features and addressed bugs and crashes that were showing up in error reporting.

• Added native support for Apple Silicon.
• Added client-side IME support when using Unicode keyboard mode.
• Integrated Kerberos support in the CredSSP security protocol sequence.
• Addressed macOS 11 compatibility issues.
• Made updates to improve interoperability with current and upcoming features in the Windows Virtual Desktop service.
• Made fixes to address mispaints when decoding AVC data generated by a server-side hardware encoder.
• Addressed an issue where windows from remoted Office apps were not visible despite being present in the app switcher.


Users can download Microsoft Remote Desktop for free on the Mac App Store. There’s also an iOS version available that works with iPhone and iPad.

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Mac Store Remote Desktop
Topics Map > Windows
Topics Map > Mac

Sharing your screen remotely is a convenient way to access another computer as if you’re sitting in front of it. OS X and Windows have this ability built right into them, meaning you can easily share your Mac’s screen with Windows PCs, and vice versa.

App Store Remote Desktop Mac

Connecting to Windows PC Clients from a Mac

To connect to a Windows PC, you must first turn on remote connections. Open the System Properties and click the “Remote” tab, then make sure “Allow remote connections to this computer” is enabled.

You also want to make sure you install the Microsoft Remote Desktop client on your Mac. It is available in the App Store.

Remote Desktop will be installed in your Mac’s Application’s folder. In our example, we’ve already set up a user profile, which is ready for action. Let’s take a moment, however, to click “Edit” and show you what’s involved.

Next to “Connection name” we give it a friendly name while the “PC name” is either the name we gave our target PC or its IP address.

We don’t worry about configuring a gateway because we’re connecting to our PC within our local network. Also, if you do not want to enter your user name and password every time you connect, you can add them to the “Credentials.” Not entering any credentials means that when you connect to your Windows machine, you will need to log into an account.

If you want to know what your PC’s name and/or IP address is, you need to check. Use the keyboard shortcut “Windows + R” and then type “cmd” to open a command prompt. In the command prompt, type “ipconfig” and hit “Return.” You want to use the IPv4 address it gives you.

If you can’t remember what you named your computer, you can find that information on the “System” control panel.

The rest of the Remote Desktop connection’s settings concern resolution, colors, and full screen options.

When you connect to a new client, you’ll likely see a Verify Certificate dialog. Click “Continue” to connect.

If you don’t want to see this warning dialog in the future, click “Show Certificate” and then check the “Always trust …” option as shown below.

To confirm changes to your certificate trust settings, you will need to enter your system password.

Remember, if you didn’t previously enter anything in the connection credentials, you will see the login screen when you first connect. Once you’ve successfully connected to your Windows PC from your Mac, your Windows desktop will appear.

As we mentioned, being able to connect to a Windows machine is a pleasant convenience. For example, your Windows PC may be a super beefy machine you use to do compiling or rendering. You can use remote desktop to check on a job’s progress or start tasks without actually being physically at the machine.

Connecting to a Mac from a Windows PC

Mac Store Remote Desktop

Connecting to a Mac from a Windows PC is a little different. You’re not going to be able to use Remote Desktop, but that’s okay because there’s a free client called RealVNC viewer that does the trick nicely.

Just like with Windows, you first have to set up your Mac for screen sharing. Open the “Sharing” preference panel and check the box next to “Screen Sharing.”

Click “Computer Settings…” and make sure “VNC viewers may control screen with password” is checked. Then enter a simple password.

The VNC Viewer requires installation, but you don’t have to sign up for an account to use it.

Recall from the earlier screenshot that our Mac’s screen can be accessed at or Matt-Air.local. If you’re unsure how to access your Mac, go back to your Sharing preferences and double-check the information on the Screen Sharing settings.

We enter “” in our VNC client and leave the encryption as it is.

The RealVNC Viewer application has a plethora of options you can peruse at your leisure.
You’ll probably be fine leaving them as is, though, if you want your connection to automatically open full screen, you need to tick the box next to “Full screen mode.”

We return to our connection and click the “Connect” button. An authentication box will appear where you will need to enter the simple password you created in the Sharing preferences on your Mac.

When you connect to the target Mac, you will also need to log into a (presumably yours) user account, just like we had to do with Windows (if we didn’t supply our credentials).

Once logged in, your Mac desktop will now appear in the VNC Viewer window in the same state as you left it.

If you mouse to the top-middle of the window, you can spawn extra controls, which when you hover will give you a tooltip explaining what each one does.

You’ll find handy shortcuts to close and save the connection, as well as to change options, and a full-screen button so your shared desktop fills the screen.

On the Mac side of things, a Screen Sharing icon will appear in the menu bar. This lets you quickly and easily access the Screen Sharing preferences or disconnect clients.

It’s important to remember that sharing a computer screen is really only suited for short bits of work. If you were trying to remotely repair something or show another user how to do something, it’s ideal, but to get any meaningful work done, not so much. You will always experience a little bit of lag and stutter, and there’s not a whole lot you can do about that.

Like we said, however, it’s not intended for heavy-duty work. Keep in mind also, we’re only sharing our screens locally, which means that if you leave the house, say to go get coffee, and you realize you need to connect to a machine at home, you’ll need to know how to connect to it through your router.