Twitter Nick Fuentes

The official Twitter account for paleoconservative political commentator Nick Fuentes’s annual America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC) was restricted minutes after the account began releasing the speakers list for the long awaited second instalment of what has become the main rival of the largest recurring gathering of establishment Republicans, CPAC, also being held in Orlando, Florida next week.

Gab Nick Fuentes

All Twitter users are presented a foreboding warning upon reaching AFPAC’s profile, reading: “Caution: This account is temporarily restricted

The account barely had time to release three names of the many speakers at next Friday’s event before facing punishment. Figures currently confirmed to be giving speeches at the event are longtime conservative commentator and author Michelle Malkin, podcaster Vincent James of The Red Elephants, and, of course, paleoconservative commentator and political strategist Nick Fuentes himself, organizer of the conference and host of the wildly popular and influential nightly talkshow America First.

It’s still unclear at this hour whether the account remains available to tweet, or has been temporarily suspended from releasing further tweets as is customary for accounts which draw the ire of Twitter moderation.

REDPILLED Media will continue to diligently follow every development related to this story to provide timely updates concerning this shocking event.


This comes just weeks after Fuentes was banned from Chinese streaming service DLive, which he used for approximately one year following his permanent suspension off of YouTube.

To add insult to injury, DLive used fraudulent information peddled by Wikipedia such as Fuentes’ alleged involvement in the Jan. 6 riot at the US Capitol as justification for the ban.

Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 29, 2019. An unacceptable development has emerged which threatens to send shockwaves through Young Republican circles: rising Young Republican star Nick Fuentes has been photographed moving in on my online girlfriend, Kathy Zhu, during some kind of 1980s nostalgia festival in Miami over the weekend. Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 29, 2019. An unacceptable development has emerged which threatens to send shockwaves through Young Republican circles: rising Young Republican star Nick Fuentes has been photographed moving in on my online girlfriend, Kathy Zhu, during some kind of 1980s nostalgia festival in Miami over the weekend. Here is the full clip of Nick Fuentes telling his supporters to destroy their phones and SIM cards if they entered the Capitol building on January 6th — and then backtracking. Our photog @davedeckerphoto caught Nick Fuentes at #CPAC, stumping for @AmericaFirstPAC: “At AFPAC, we don’t wear masks. At AFPAC, we don’t have homosexuals speaking on stage.” pic.twitter. Full vid here: #americafirst.

Fuentes was never proven to have been inside the Capitol building ever, much less on the day of the so-called insurrection.


Please share this news report with the general public before it’s too late and we can’t communicate without having our message content be approved by the federal government. We don’t have much time left.


Nick Fuentes Tweet


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Twitter Nicholas J Fuentes

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