Wordpress Linux

  • Related Questions & Answers
  1. WordPress is the most popular open source blogging system and CMS on the Web.
  2. WordPress is a free and open source website and blogging tool that uses PHP and MySQL. WordPress is currently the most popular CMS (Content Management System) on the Internet, and has over 20,000 plugins to extend its functionality. This makes WordPress a great choice for getting a website up and running quickly and easily.
  3. WordPress is a very popular PHP based CMS (Content Management System). For small businesses, personal/hobby websites, WordPress can be a lifesaver. In this article, I am going to show you how to install WordPress on CentOS 8.
  4. Bitnami WordPress Stack Virtual Machines Bitnami Virtual Machines contain a minimal Linux operating system with WordPress installed and configured. Using the Bitnami Virtual Machine image requires hypervisor software such as VMware Player or VirtualBox. Both of these hypervisors are available free of charge.
  • Selected Reading

WordPress is a free and open source website and blogging tool and it is the most popular CMS (content management system) on the internet. It allows you to easily set up flexible blogs and websites on top of a MySQL backend with PHP processing. This article describes “How to install WordPress on Linux with bash script”. Bash script automatically downloads and installs the latest version of WordPress in any place of your choice.

When you purchase a server, a pre-installed OS generally comes with it. It is usually a popular Linux distro, such as Ubuntu or Debian. In this tutorial, I’ll be using Debian 9 to install WordPress.

Installing LAMP

To install and run WordPress on your system, pre-installation on your web server is required.

Use the following command to install LAMP web server.

The sample output should be like this –

To restart Apache2, use the following command –

Wordpress Linux Install

To restart mySQL, use the following command –

Now open localhost directory,use the following command to open localhost directory-

Now use wget command to aceess the wp-install.sh, use the following command –

The sample output should be like this –

To install wp-install.sh, use the following command –

The sample output should be like this –

Free Wordpress Tutorial For Beginners

While installing WordPress, it will ask Database name and password. Make sure to give proper information to set up WordPress. Type the following URL in your favorite web browser-

The sample output should be like this –

Fill the details as your needed and press install WordPress button.After done all successful steps, you will get screen as shown below –

Wordpress Linux Download

Congratulations! Now, you know “How to Quickly Install WordPress On Ubuntu/Linux Mint”. We’ll learn more about these types of commands in our next Linux post. Keep reading!

WordPress is the most popular open source blogging system and CMS on the Web. It is based on PHP and MySQL. Its features can be extended with thousands of free plugins and themes.

In this tutorial we will install WordPress on Apache2 server and create our first post.

What you’ll learn

  • How to set up WordPress
  • How to configure WordPress
  • How to create first post

What you’ll need

  • A computer running Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS
  • Running Apache2 server
  • You don’t need to know how to configure database.

Originally authored by Marcin Mikołajczak